Our mission
Respectful of rituals, customs, beliefs, personal needs and the environment, the Laval Cemetery has evolved and remained in tune with society and works constantly to preserve this site of renewal and contemplation for future generations.
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Sunday, November 5, 2023: Memorial Day for the Deceased
This upcoming Sunday, November 5, 2023, from 9 am to 4 pm, we have arranged a special day to commemorate our dear departed.
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Contemplation in the presence of a celebrant at the Laval Cemetery in memory of all the fathers
For those who have lost a father, Father's Day can still spark very strong emotions. To celebrate their memories and help you in your grief, Magnus Poirier is organizing a contemplation in tribute to dads.Join us to celebrate the memory of all fathe …
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Tribute ceremony to the memory of all mothers
Mourning for our mother is certainly one of the most difficult to accept. To celebrate their memories and help you in your grief, Magnus Poirier organized a tribute ceremony for mothers.
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